
Today in Tamworth there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis such as redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill can mean going hungry. Every day parents skip meals to feed their children, and people are often forced to choose between paying the rent and eating. Foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis. Since Tamworth Foodbank opened in 2011, it has supported thousands of local people in need.

Frontline care professionals such as doctors and social workers provide Foodbank vouchers to people in crisis. Foodbank clients bring their voucher to the centre where it can be redeemed for three days' emergency food. Volunteers meet clients over a cup of tea or coffee and are able to signpost people to agencies able to help them solve their longer-term problems.

Tamworth Foodbank is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 12:30 – 3:00pm at the Manna House and Thursday between 11:00 – 1:00pm at St Andrews Methodist, Leyfields.

For more information see 

emmaEMMA COATES: Tamworth Foodbank Project Coordinator

Emma has provided excellent leadership to a team of Foodbank volunteers in addition to being our Foodbank "champion" to 70+ Referral Partners around the town.

Copy of GoDaddyStudioPage-0GREG THOMAS: Warehouse Manager

Greg leads a team of volunteers in both our Foodbank warehouses, which have been kindly provided free of charge by Tamworth Fire Service and Tamworth Borough Council. The role of our warehouse team includes collecting food from various stores, organizing the food and maintaining food stocks in our Foodbanks in the Manna House and in St. Andrew's Church, Leyfields. 

As part of the work of Tamworth Foodbank, we want to provide people with more than food. 
WHAT is More Than Food all about?
Through the funding received from Trussell Trust, the Manna House charity is able to employ four part-time community chaplains. The work of the Community Chaplains is to help Foodbank clients to step away from financial hardships by receiving debt support and advice on government benefits. The Community Chaplains will act as case workers for Foodbank clients, helping them gain financial stability through debt relief, benefits guidance, and help to gain employment. Trussell Trust has also provided funding for the Manna House charity to commission Citizens Advice Bureau to work with us to this end. The Team is headed up by Bev Marshall who also works as our Church Children's Pastor.


bev brenda amy pauline Tina (1)
Project Manager
Community Chaplain 
Community Chaplain
Community Chaplain
Community Chaplain


food bank 1

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

New to Church?

Welcome! Whether you've just moved to the area, or have lived here all your life, we hope our website helps you to find out everything you want to know about our Church.


Some key information about the church...

Where and when does the Church meet?
We have two services each week, on a Wednesday and a Sunday at 10.30am. We suggest you aim to arrive at least 10 minutes early to get a parking spot and seat in time for the service to start. 

We meet at:

Tamworth Elim Church
Bamford Street,
B77 2AT

You can see a map on our contact us page

There is limited parking available on the site (two small car parks on Bamford Street; one slightly larger car park on Neville Street). Many people park on Abbey Road a short walk away as Bamford Street can be very congested. 

What should I expect when I visit the Church on a Sunday Morning?


Our Welcome Team will be pleased to meet you as you arrive and they will be able to answer your questions and direct you to where you need to go. Families often arrive in time to catch up with each other before the service begins. At the start of the service, the church family celebrates the goodness and love of God through music. Our music is lively and contemporary and we are blessed with a talented all-age group of musicians. This time can also include prayers, Bible reading and church/community/family news and updates.

The children and youth remain in the main meeting for about 30 minutes before they leave to enjoy their own age-relevant teaching.  There is also a sound-proof crèche area for the very young, with views and sound links into the main church auditorium (this is available for parents to use throughout the service). 

Pastor Steve Jonathan teaches regularly on the biblical foundation for contemporary Christian living and we are also blessed with many gifted and able speakers that supplement our teaching ministry each week. 

Following the service, refreshments are available to all with time to catch up with the wider church family and ask any questions you may have. 

No offering is taken at our service, though an offerings box is situated on the back wall of our church for those wishing to give to the work and ministry of our church.

What happens for the kids and youth at church?

We have a range of fantastic programmes for the kids at the Church for ages 0–12. Children stay with their parents for the first part of the service as we celebrate together. An announcement will be made when the children can go to their age-appropriate groups and programmes. If this is your first visit you will need to go with your children to register them.

For more information about what happens in the children's work please visit the relevant age groups for your family under What's On.

Is there a dress code?

No! Please just be yourself and come dressed in your 'normal' clothes.

Will I have to join in?

You are of course free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you. 

Useful Links

We have more information for you specifically if you…

I have more questions, how can I get in touch and ask them?

Please feel free to contact us.